In an increasingly connected world, the transformation of the global economy into a digital economy calls for increased collaboration on ICT by the European Union and its partners. This starts with a mutual understanding and the sharing of best practices regarding policies and the supporting technologies and develops into common work on standards to help build open markets for all, with interoperability and choice at heart. The International Digital Cooperation project on ICT standardisation (InDiCo) aims at building the bridges needed for that collaboration on digital policies and the related standardization topics with partner countries. The project focuses on key technological enablers for a digital society where inclusiveness, privacy and security are paramount.

Learn more about InDiCo.


Brazil is Latin America's largest country and the world's seventh largest economy.


China is one of the biggest traders in the world, with the EU standing as China's largest trading partner.


India is the world's fastest-growing large economy, whose main trading partner is the European Union.


With a highly developed economy, Japan is one of the world's most innovative countries.

South Korea

South Korea is a highly developed country and a global leader in many technology and innovation-driven fields.


The US is the largest trading partner with the EU and the top importer from the EU28 that compromises more than 20% of the whole EU exports worldwide.


The Member States of the European Union share a single market, a single external border and a single trade policy.

Indico Partner Countries

European Union

InDiCo’s Technical Scope

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