InDiCo focuses on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in the context of automotive Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM). ITS builds on multiple technologies to address the daily challenges to transportation such as safety, traffic optimization and autonomous driving. It builds on several enablers like IoT, Cloud and V2X.

As vehicle manufacturers are global players addressing global markets, and as infrastructure builders and operators need reliable, safe and future-proof systems, a global community is already working on achieving standardisation of technical enablers for CAM. Yet there are still challenges to overcome in order to deliver the interoperability level needed for these applications. Questions remain open regarding preferred technical solutions to enable Car-to-Car communications, and how these can interoperate to support the ultimate goal of user safety. Spectrum management and sharing for ITS use is also a topic where Europe and its partner countries need alignment to encourage the development of standardized technical solutions at a global level.

InDiCo will connect the relevant players in Europe and its partner countries to address these questions and the project also aims at promoting harmonisation of security solutions to enable security of ITS together with support for the necessary privacy.

Last but not least, the project will team up with players in the partner countries to work on common approaches for the testing and validation of the interoperability of technical enablers for ITS, building on the best in class methodology established in ETSI's Centre for Testing and Interoperability.

Countries covered by this technology

  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • USA



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