With the support of the InDiCo team, ETSI was invited to present at the workshop series EU-Pacific Alliance: Cooperation on the Digital Economy and Society, that took place virtually from 15 to June 17, 2021.
The European Union (EU) and the Pacific Alliance (PA) have organized three workshops as a result of a close cooperation between the two regions in the framework of the EU-PA Joint Declaration (September 2019). They have reflected the shared commitment of increasing knowledge and experience sharing on digital topics, in line with the respective digital strategies and policies.
On June 15th,2021 during the Digitalisation of Public Services: Digital Identity and Trust session; experts from both sides had an in-depth exchange on the possibilities offered by eIDAS for public services, citizens, and industry, legal framework, technological standards, interoperability, and international cooperation.
Maya Madrid, Policy Officer at DG CONNECT eGovernment and Trust, DG CONNECT, European Commission has exposed the global benefits of the eIDAS predictable regulatory environment.
While Cristobal Guzmán López, State Secretariat for Telecommunications, Spain, Team Leader of the EU4DigitalUA project has described the state-of-the-art situation in Spain concerning the Digitalisation of the Public Services with a specific focus on eID and its associated Trust Services.
Riccardo Genghini, Chairman of Technical Committee on eIDAS and digital signature, ETSI – European Telecommunications Standards Institute has exposed the importance of using seamless open & global standards in the Digital Identity and Electronic domain. He has also strengthened the idea that EU was supporting digital freedom and privacy preservation for citizens.

Riccardo Genghini, Chairman of ETSI TC ESI
On June 16th, 2021 during the Secure and Performant Sustainable Digital Infrastructures: 5G and Cybersecurity session, experts from both sides had an in-depth exchange on implementation and deployment of 5G and the vision beyond 5G – international connectivity, the EU 5G toolbox and rules for deployment of high-speed networks, regulation on user protection, and competition policy.
- Bernard Barani - Deputy Head of Unit, Future Connectivity Systems, DG CONNECT, European Commission has exposed the 5G Public and Partnership Industrial research and innovation landscape across the world, the deployment status of 5G public and private networks in Europe, the utmost importance of EU toolbox to secure 5G networks.
- David Boswarthick, Director of New Technologies in charge of the vision beyond 5G, ETSI – European Telecommunications Standards Institute has exposed the vision beyond 5G and the importance to have one open & global standard for 6G for the benefits of governments, industry market players and citizens.
The following representatives of the Pacific Alliance have presented the status of 5G in their respective countries.
- Adolfo Oiva, Head of Regulatory Policy and Studies from Chile
- Geusseppe González Cárdenas, Counsellor, Directorate for Industry and Communications, Ministry of Information and Communications Technology from Colombia
- Alan Ramírez García, Expert in Communications Policies, Ministry of Transport and Communications from Peru
- Edna Aurora Ferrer Román, Head of Department, International Policy, Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) from Mexico

Alex Leadbeater, Chairman of ETSI TC Cyber
On June 17th, 2021 during the Digital Transformation of Businesses and Services: Platforms several experts had an in-depth exchange on platforms' regulation and data protection, e-Commerce, and the Digital Services Act.
The importance of building a common vision between the EU and the Pacific Alliance members in all these domains has been highlighted. Technical cooperation workshops including partners from the different countries will follow in the coming years to further refine and deploy this common vision of the Digital Economy for the Society.