Events Archive

Connected devices have become an integral part of our lives. Although they help us in our daily routine, their design and how they comply to security standards may affect our privacy and even our safety.
Event Date | 12-05-2022 10:30 am |
Event End Date | 12-05-2022 1:30 pm |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Registered | 0 |
Location | Webinar |

Join this EU-Japan cooperation webinar on IoT Security and related standardisation and certification issues! This InDiCo webinar will be co-chaired by the MIC of Japan and by the European Commission DG CONNECT.
Event Date | 01-06-2021 |
Event End Date | 01-06-2021 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Registered | 0 |
Location | ONLINE, JAPAN |

This second InDiCo Webinar, between European Commission (DG CONNECT) and the Indian Government (Department of Telecom), aims to develop a common platform for security assessment and certification of new mobile communications technologies.
Event Date | 25-05-2021 |
Event End Date | 25-05-2021 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Location | ONLINE between Europe and New Delhi, INDIA |

ETSI and InDiCo Stakeholders will participate in the 2020 virtual edition of the India Mobile Congress Conference, organized by the Department of Telecom of the Ministry of Communications of the Government of India and the Cellular Operators Association of India.
More information will be made available in the coming months about this virtual conference and exhibition dedicated to the mobile telecommunications industry and ecosystem in India.
Event Date | 08-12-2020 |
Event End Date | 10-12-2020 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Registered | 0 |
Location | ONLINE, INDIA |

EU DG Connect, ETSI, 3GPP and InDiCo Stakeholders representatives will participate to CEATEC 2020 online edition, in sessions dedicated to EU-Japan cooperation in digital policy, regulations and standardization.
Following the successful participation at the CEATEC 2019 conference in Tokyo last year and leveraging on the close bilateral relationship established between EU and Japan over the past decade, DG Connect of the EU and MIC and METI of Japan have agreed to jointly hold the following sessions at the upcoming CEATEC 2020 virtual conference :
- Digital Policy and Regulations
- Artificial Intelligence
- 5G Mobile Communications and beyond
The InDiCo project is facilitating the organization of these sessions, with the participation of 3GPP, ETSI, ARIB, TTC and Stakeholders from the European and Japanese ICT Industry.
CEATEC stands for the Combined Exhibition of Advanced TEChnologies, it is Japan's largest IT and electronics exhibition and conference and organized by JEITA, Japan Electronic Information Technology Association.
Event Date | 20-10-2020 |
Event End Date | 23-10-2020 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Location | Tokyo, Japan |

This online Webinar between Europe and New Delhi, India, called by the European Commission (DG CONNECT) and the Indian Government (Department of Telecom), aims to create a platform for discussion on the security risks and challenges emerging from new mobile communications technologies.
Safety and security of telecommunication networks have been a matter of concern to the international community for decades. However, recent technological advancements (transition to 5G and beyond) and increased prevalence of mobile technologies in daily lives of citizens and in the economy are making the need to address possible vulnerabilities to all forms of attacks all the more urgent and important. Some of these attacks could lead to denial of service, loss of integrity and confidentiality. Securing and protecting these networks from attacks is thus an essential element for the prosperity of nations.
For two decades, EU and India have been cooperating on digital policies, and it is therefore natural for both sides to work together towards trusted, safe and secure telecom networks, which will help in further strengthening their economies. The objective of the webinar is to create a platform for discussion on the security risks and challenges emerging from current and new technologies and create a regular exchange of best practices to respond to these challenges in order to ensure safe and secure connectivity to the citizens and businesses.
The Webinar, called by the European Commission (DG CONNECT) and the Indian Government (Department of Telecom), will be organised with the logistical support of the EU-funded International Digital Cooperation - ICT Standardization project.
Participation upon invitation only.
Event Date | 16-10-2020 |
Event End Date | 16-10-2020 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Location | ONLINE |